Who said, "Pigs Can’t Come to Church?"

Two days ago on Sunday March 14, 2010, I had the fortunate opportunity to present the children’s moment during worship at Community Baptist Church. The theme for the day was the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). You know the story. A father has two son’s, the youngest Jacob asks for his inheritance early and leaves his family to travel to a far off land. He squanders every dime away. Penniless, hungry and homeless he convinces a farmer to hire him to feed his pigs. After contemplating his situation he decides the pigs had it better than he did and decides to return home to beg forgiveness from his father and ask for a job as a servant. His father is so excited upon his return he throws a huge celebration. Jesus, tells the story comparing Jacob’s father, full of love, forgiveness, compassion, mercy and grace to our Heavenly Father whose love in never ending. “For once my son was dead and now he’s alive, lost but now found”.

Many times we mirror Jacob with our actions, journeys and thoughts. But God is always there to forgive us and welcome us back home. Even if we have been sleeping and eating with the pigs.